An owl has moved near me so I hear the hoos

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Current Events » An owl has moved near me so I hear the hoos
This is a fortunate nature experience. They just be hooing, haven't found em yet though they be stealthy mofos
Don't Stress, Become #Phresh
Oh upon further investigation it is a Mourning Dove trying to get laid.
Don't Stress, Become #Phresh
An owl has been living somewhere in my neighbor's yard for years but I've never seen it.
This is where cool people write stuff.
I rarely saw them at my old place even being on a farm. The only time I had a close encounter was when I was doing a security check at night. See when you have 100 acres people love to prowl around at night. They will open gates and leave them open. It got so bad I had to put chains on the hinge side. Anyway on my way to check the next one something flies by my head. I use my flashlight to see what it was. It had flew into a thick group of trees on the other side of the fence. And there it was. A owl very young about size and a half of a hand. Brown and white. Very cute. I had my phone with me but being so dark you can barely see it. I had it for awhile but think I deleted it.
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
I like owls, their noises help me sleep
I have atleast two owls at my place. I like them to make noise because the frogs shut up for a bit.
I'm surrounded
AirFresh posted...
Oh upon further investigation it is a Mourning Dove trying to get laid.

Ah, the sound of childhood summers
Current Events » An owl has moved near me so I hear the hoos