Curb Your Enthusiasm S12 has a morbid joke about Richard Lewis who passed away..

Current Events

Season 12 Episode 8: The Colostomy Bag

Conan Obrien was in this episode! Was hoping to see more of him, I like the guy's show.

The lawyer resisting the "I like it/I want it" gambit was the highlight of the episode. It's a joke that was even on Seinfeld 30 years ago (Jerry and that "space pen" which I just googled to see if still exists/still a thing)

Heh one of the many reasons why I'd never buy a used car is exactly what happened in this episode, if the former owner being a smoker who completely stunk up the car. In real life the smell is unbearable.

A mock trial though makes me think the show might really end the way I joked about... not that they haven't been foreshadowing it and throwing jokes about the Seinfeld finale every chance they can (which are always hilarious especially Larry's reaction to the subtle diss)