Behold, my homemade mayo!

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Current Events » Behold, my homemade mayo!
Before you ask, that is not separation in the jar, but shadow; the mayo is 100% homogeneous. At first, it was a tad liquid-y, but over night it congealed into a very thick mayo. Tastes amazing. Never buying it store bought ever again now that I know how easy it is to make. I might go less crazy on the mustard next time. And I will definitely try with other stuff, like Chipotle peppers or ranch powder.

- 1 egg
- 1 tsp spicy brown mustard
- 3/4 cup of neutral oil (I ran out of canola and had to use about 1/3 olive oil)
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- Black pepper + salt

Then I just used an emulsion blender to blend it all together for about 2 or 3 minutes. Boom, mayo.
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I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
EDIT: Forgot to post the damn photo...
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
LeCh0nk posted...

Banned for posting delicious food?!
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
Current Events » Behold, my homemade mayo!