So does ad revenue all come from clicks and views?

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From what I glean, the answer would be no. It's all paid for, and the amount of extra hits to a site the advertiser is advertising, would be the catalyst on whether or not they continue to pay more for the ads to remain.

If so, the question begs, what happens if ads are simply not clicked on? Then they trick you into clicking them by accident. This does not take into account YouTube ads.

I watched a 20 minute video with 3 ads, now that AdBlockPlus has officially sold out. as of about April 17th.
(They lasted a long time)

1 could be skipped. 1 had 2 consecutive ads, 1 at the beginning. None at the end. Length was short. Did not cause lag.
Rank:Pushing it a bit. Just trying to have some beers and watch some videos on my home PC, bro.
"Er...well, y'know. You can't make an omelette without um...destroying a forest.....or something" -Black Mage