How do you think the universe will end?

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CreekCo posted...
Heat death which will lead to collapse. Its impossible that the universe is rapidly expanding as theres really no reason for it to. You would need a massive amount of mass being created currently and I dont recall seeing much evidence of that. If you believe in thermodynamics and even mildly in some parts of evolution I dont see why any conclusion other than an eventual Big Crunch would be the endgame.
You should avoid speaking so confidently on a subject you definitely don't know anything about.

Wikipedia posted...
The Big Crunch is a hypothetical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the expansion of the universe eventually reverses and the universe recollapses, ultimately causing the cosmic scale factor to reach zero, an event potentially followed by a reformation of the universe starting with another Big Bang. The vast majority of evidence indicates that this hypothesis is not correct. Instead, astronomical observations show that the expansion of the universe is accelerating rather than being slowed by gravity, suggesting that a Big Chill is more likely.

Like I said earlier. Dark Energy is causing the universe to continually accelerate. This will result in all things in the universe growing farther apart until the universe grows dark outside of isolated star clusters / galaxies. When those die, they won't reform into new stars; or if they do they'll only make smaller and smaller stars until there is not enough mass left in the system for new stars to be born. (Note: Heavy elements like iron is actually "poisonous" to stars, this makes every new star have a harder time getting going as the more heavy elements there are in an area the more likely you are to get a failed star. Ie. Brown Dwarf) That residual matter will steadily break down due to various natural forces and radiation and eventually we'll be left with nothing but stray electrons and other fundamental particles, before those too probably quantum tunnel themselves out of existence.

Anyone talking about Big Crunch or Big Bounce hasn't been paying much attention to science for the past 20 years. Dark Energy and Eternal Expansion / Entropy have been widely regarded as the most likely fate of our universe since 2003. Big Bounce (the idea that we're constantly expanding and contracting) was thrown out in like the 80s. Apparently there are some theories which still work around theories of Big Bounce / Crunch, but they're not mainstream or readily accepted ideas.

As with everything there's always a chance for this science to be wrong. Maybe our ultimate fate will be a Big Crunch. But the evidence we have and our current understanding all points towards either a Big Rip or a Big Chill.

You're also completely backwards? More mass being introduced to the universe would encourage the big crunch. Mass has gravity, which pulls things together not pushes them apart. More mass being fabricated in the universe somehow would act as a decelerator.

It kind of baffles me how confidently wrong you were about so many different subjects there all at once.

Sufferedphoenix posted...
Would heat death really end the universe or just everything in it making it q big empty universe?
Can't really say, but everything in it would be gone. Either reduced to electrons and neutrinos or gone gone. Without any observers it'd be about the same either way.
She / Her
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