Hades 2 and Stellar Blade seem like very horny games

Current Events

Voidgolem posted...
Hades 2 is tasteful.

Stellar Blade is also probably tasteful, but had the misfortune of being loudly championed by the worst people on the internet, which sours public opinion
This is the most accurate assessment of the situation, but I'll give my tangent piece.

The people defending SB are obfuscating and projecting, attempting to dismiss the criticism towards the game as racism/xenophobia against Asian people...when these were the same people flagrantly tossing around certain buzzwords as slurs but refuse to define when questioned. Those same people populate this site's forum of the game.

Those hyping up SB were appropriating its main protagonist as some "savior of the west/gaming", but the only thing they ever actually focused on was having jiggle physics. Nothing but clips of her rear and chest jiggling at the slightest motion. Not fighting, not interacting with others, just walking around and scaling a ladder. That was their entire argument. Then they started getting upset when people started ask for actual gameplay of the game and it turned out it wasn't anything special. The character in question, Eve, lacked a striking character design to actually appreciate, so it seemed that all it boiled down to was, jiggly butts and boobs. There certainly wasn't a whole lot of people jumping at the chance to draw fanart of her, either.

Hades' Aphrodite is being praised because, while she is showing off even more skin than Eve, she has a good character design with an art style attached to her, a personality attached to her, she's not the de facto main focus of the game and it's yet another depiction of an established well known character whose entire existence is love and lust.

Eve on the other hand, is a nothingburger and fails to make an impression as an original character. Character design seems bland and, when I actually asked in a Tweet what her character/personality is suppose to be, none of her defenders could actually say what it was. Not even those who played the hour-long demo could say definitively who she was as a person, struggling to come up with something, anything to attach a trait to. And even then, you have some people claiming that an hour's not enough to establish a character, despite plenty action heroes being able to do so within a mere fraction of that time.
"Oh hey look, it's Vegeta, the son of Trunks."
PSN and Nintendo Network: Kaihedgie