Have you ever lied on your resume?

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Current Events » Have you ever lied on your resume?
Just curious since I've seen the topic come up more frequently online recently.
Oh God yes, all the time. Resumes and algorithms are horseshit anyway, I cheat the system to stand above the pack and get an interview, THAT is where I legitimately earn the job.
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Rosstin316 posted...
Oh God yes, all the time. Resumes and algorithms are horseshit anyway, I cheat the system to stand above the pack and get an interview, THAT is where I legitimately earn the job.
So true
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
no but I've only ever had to submit a resume once lol

and I was very overqualified
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
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Lie of omission I guess. The place that I worked at was closing my location and moving the jobs to FL. I had an interview and did not indicate that job was ending. In truth I was still employed when I interviewed.
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I have never had a resume.

I've only had my one job.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
in the past before I got into my field, but never lied about my skills since then. A few years ago I lied to cover my unemployment gaps (I had a bad year.. most 2 jobs and my dad passed away) . I felt awful about it, but I was desperate.
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
Been tempted, never done it though

low entry job with x amount of years of experience you either have it or dont dont apply for this job if you got no experience -indeed job posting

sir, of course I have that experience
I bought the Taito Egret II Mini just to play puchi carat
Absolutely. I wouldnt say theyre complete lies, moreso theyre exaggerations of the truth
in a constant state of confusion
Yea, I still do. I technically don't have my physical degrees from college because they claim I owe them money, but I don't. I walked, did whole graduation ceremony and everything, but my degrees never come in the mail.

Crazy thing is that I assumed they sent them to my moms house, I had already moved states and started living my new life. So when I walked, I still had 6 credits left, and I took them online over the course of the next two years. One each summer -- they were internships I could never complete due to my athletic schedule.

So I took them in my new city over the summer, while also working normal jobs. The Summer classes were 6 weeks, same credit, where as the regular ones was three months. It made no sense to do the internship anytime else, but you could only take one per summer.

I had some money left over from my athletic scholarship that was supposed to cover that. There was multiple levels of fuckery going on, and the more I dug into it, the deeper, and more complex it got. But it was all misallocation of scholarship funds by the school itself.

I didn't find out that they were on financial hold until technically 5 years later after I walked, and three years after I transfered over my final credits. At one point I was owing upwards of 50k, and they "settled it" with me, even tho I didn't agree to it, that they would wipe all debt from my three year tenure wrestling for them, but I had to pay out of pocket those final 6 credits taking after I walked.

It came out to like 6k, but I told them to go fuck themselves. I just put it on my resume anyhow, I figured I could just show them a print out of my credit hours, as well as photos of me walking, if it ever came back negative in a background check. Then I could explain my situation.

Nine Years later and nobody has ever checked.
Never. The job I've had over 10yrs I went straight to interview from applying to anything at a temp agency. The job before this I had a background check for a security clearance. Actually the one before that too.
I'm surrounded
Absolutely. Some places ive applied for automatically filter out applications that arent within the exact specifications.

cant argue your case in an interview if your application is never read by a human.
Hee Ho
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BoomerKuwanger posted...
who knows what goes on with those background checks

I've had one for an airport job and one for the Army. Airport job they just really checked my legal background. The Army one actually called a few people on my list that I had to come up with. Non-family members.
I'm surrounded
Philosophy major in the academy of Nope.
I omit some of my earlier jobs.

I very slightly exaggerate some skills at times, although I would never list myself as expert or proficient at something I am not.
Last night I was lying in bed, staring at the stars, and I wondered... Where the **** is my roof?
as of yesterday, yes. my resume has "hornyposter extraordinaire" as one of my skills...now I'm just a regular poster extraordinaire..
Technically, the first company I worked for lied on my behalf as they made a fake resume for me, and I just continued the lie, but Ive gradually removed the fake entries one by one as I got more experience over the years.
Current Events » Have you ever lied on your resume?