Current Events got the LUE treatment and is now a private board. Part 3

Current Events

LtZim posted...
Will_VIIII, Thread Zone mod, will also chase you down in other Discord servers to try to get you banned for things you didn't even do. And the Thread Zone / LUELinks / blue websight site mods have on multiple times gotten users moderated and/or banned on places like Reddit out of spite.

Thread Zone as a website is a work of art. But the mod crew there is even more psychotic than anything you've ever seen in GFAQs. I just want you guys to be aware, that once you integrate with Thread Zone, you're signing away your soul to their mods who have spent years trying to police people off-site. These are the same mods who tried to set up a fake "honey pot" discord server to get people banned.

They aren't giving you a life line, they're trying to tie a rope around your neck.

grep, give it a rest jeez
Quit Crying