Current Events got the LUE treatment and is now a private board. Part 3

Current Events

Kaldrenthebold posted...

Hello all,

Just wanted to acknowledge we have been reading and gathering the feedback you provided. There have been a number of substantive questions the mod team has jumped in and answered, so thanks to them.

Overall, the main feedback weve received is that the decision to lock the Current Events board and generally prohibit explicitly political topics elsewhere is unpopular amongst a large percentage of commenters. I dont want to duck or run from that takeaway - this is something Fandom discussed and anticipated before making these changes. Ultimately, we will be standing by this decision because doing so aligns with how we operate other parts of our platform, and how we want GameFAQs to be positioned in broad gaming discourse.

I understand that many of you have been contributing to these topics for years and feel as though it has been productive and handled respectfully. We understand that legacy - the CE board is continuing precisely because for the most part, this opinion has been largely true. The CE board is continuing - if you were passionate about contributing there, you can continue to contribute there with the same engaged fellow members youve had.

These changes are about recognizing the internet has changed over the course of the last 20 years and setting the foundation for a better future - political discussion does not make sense as a core driver of conversations on a site dedicated to video games and gameplay. I dont believe if GameFAQs was to be started today, that political topics would be part of the structure of the site.

I do want to caution against some of the slippery slope arguments I have seen in the comments - many of these rules changes are in fact just formalizing informal policies that have existed here. I know, for instance, some of the worst political flame posts have been removed for trolling. Nor is this a precursor for us banning discussion about our identities and passions. Nor is this a sign that Fandom is trying to kill off GameFAQs. We are, after internal discussion and review, making a set of rule changes and board structural tweaks to address some long-standing concerns that have been brought to us. Nothing more, nothing less.

We will work harder to provide direct responses in a timely fashion and will create a part 2 of this topic linked here for any follow up questions or comments.

Why did he only talk about the political stuff and nothing about the hornyposting?

Tyranthraxus posted...

I spoke to AceMos. She actually got out of purg yesterday just after the cutoff and can't post on CE anymore. Literal worst time to get purged. I sent her the link to thread zone.

She wouldn't have lasted anyway since she kept getting modded for "misunderstandings".

It's bullshit either way since the purgatory rule should just not exist since no other locked forum had that happen with it.

Also let's be real here. Most of the people using the Gamefaqs guides are the people who are already using the site. None of the newer generations would come here and make accounts since they would rather watch videos instead of reading something.
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