Trump Trials General Part 15: CE's Last Hurrah

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31. Do you have any strong opinions or firmly held beliefs about whether a former president may be criminally charged in state court?
32. Do you have any feelings or opinions about how Mr. Trump is being treated in this case?
33. Can you give us your assurance that you will decide this case solely on the evidence you see and hear in this courtroom and the law as the judge gives it?
34. Do you have any strong opinions or firmly held beliefs about former President Donald Trump, or the fact that he is a current candidate for president that would interfere with your ability to be a fair and impartial juror?
35. Have you read (or listened to audio) of any of the following books or podcasts by Michael Cohen or Mark Pomerantz? If so, please let us know if what you have heard or read affects your ability to be a fair and impartial juror in this case (Disloyal: A Memoir, Revenge, Mea Culpa, People Vs. Donald Trump)
36. The defendant in this case has written a number of books. Have you read (or listened to audio) of any one or more of those books? If so, which ones?
37. Do you have any opinions about the legal limits governing political contributions?
38. Can you promise to set aside anything you may have heard or read about this case and render your verdict based solely on the evidence presented in this courtroom and the law as given to you by the judge?
39. Can you give us your absolute assurance that you will refrain from discussing this case with anyone in any manner and from watching, reading, or listening to any accounts of this case during the pendency of the trial?
40. Can you assure us that you will follow the judges instructions on the law, including instructions on the definition of reasonable doubt and the presumption of innocence?
41. The United States Constitution provides that a defendant has no burden to introduce any evidence or to testify in a criminal case. If Mr. Trump chooses not to testify, or to introduce any evidence, can you give us your assurance that you will not hold that against him?
42. Is there any reason, whether it be a bias or something else, that would prevent you from being fair and impartial if you are selected as a juror for this case?

It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."