'My hoo haa is gonna be out' Nike slammed for skimpy womens Olympics track kit

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Link_of_time posted...
Under this train of thought there would still be room for outrage here. Many female olympians like wearing brief's style. Changing the design of the most popular style so that they show more skin is still sexist as hell. The "options" argument fails if there isn't more than one brief style to wear(that might be the case idk all the options available).

What actually clears this up is Katie Moons twitter post. If believed, it was all just a bad media release by Nike.
I mean people get outraged no matter what. People even ignore the fact that Nike will have tailors available, just as that lady asked. All they need to do is to ignore that one outfit they don't want to wear, and instead pick another one. It's not hard.
( ^_^)/\(^_^ ) Maya High-Five!