What driver do you hate more?

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AssultTank posted...
Oh those people are dangerous, but they are in general somewhat more predictable, they're going to drive recklessly. The best way to avoid them is honestly to get over to the right well before they get near you, and if you can't, maintain a steady speed and be prepared to brake. If they start tailgating you, be prepared for them to whip out around you as soon as there is enough physical space for them to fit, even if it is unsafe. They're reckless, but predictable. Slow drivers can be just as reckless, but are often unpredictable in terms of what behavior they will exhibit. Some will just camp out in one lane, others will do the stupid turns/lane changes, still others will just randomly stop at every crosswalk no matter what, even if it's 5am and there are no pedestrians anywhere near you...
I would never say slow is worse by virtue that I once saw a guy that was a fast driver try to speed through a yellow light was going so fast that he couldn't break because he almost hit someone else, flew over a curb, hit another car, and had so much momentum that he flung sideways and clipped another car and ricochetted into another car and basically crushed the woman in the driver's seat. That memory stops me from saying that fast drivers are safer, no one could have predicted that madness. He hit 3 cars.