Are robotics;notes and chaos;child good? Spoilers for science adventure series

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How are the anime adaptations overall?
Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child's anime adaptations are atrocious. Chaos;Head attempts to squash 30 hours into 12 episodes and still have a filler episode thrown in there. Chaos;Child fares slightly better but it's still a terrible adaptation.

Robotics;Notes is serviceable but jettisons most of the character development leaving most of the cast as blank, boring slates. The main character, Kai, suffers the most from this. He's a really interesting character in the VN but this gets dumped in the anime turning him into a bland forgettable guy who just plays fighting games. Considering that R;N has the strongest cast in the entire franchise it's disappointing to see the cast reduced to shallow versions of their original selves.

Really, it's only Steins;Gate that got a good adaptation. S;G0's anime has its problems too but it's still watchable.