I feel kinda bad for giving up on learning how to drive

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Current Events » I feel kinda bad for giving up on learning how to drive
I didnt learn how to drive in high school because I didnt expect my family to teach me how and a family member that I didnt live with told me that learning to drive wasnt necessary.

That probably had a lot of negative impacts on my life, but I never processed them much until more recently. Finally, after many, many years and much pushing I reluctantly said that I would try to learn. I think I lied there. I think I my intention may have been to evidence how awful Id be so that the matter could be forgotten about.

I didnt have the patience or heart for learning to drive. Im scared to drive. I have terrible hand-eye coordination and my motor skills are terrible in general.
I dont know how of much of my unwillingness to learn is my own lack of faith in myself as well my non-existent desire and how much is genuine fear of the hazards and harm that come from a large, moving object.

I spent maybe an hour or twos worth of time in a couple cemeteries and an empty parking lot. Having to pass parked cars in the cemetery was too much for me. I already felt that I wasnt doing anything decently, and I nearly hit the one parked car I attempted to pass.

When I was fourteen, some of my friends had started learning to drive. When I asked my family at this age, so was shot down. Its kind of funny that 14 year old me was willing to learn when a much older me doesnt even think I can learn.
Shut the fuck up and drive
See profile pic
Go to driver's ed
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band! https://imgur.com/p9Xvjvs
Irony posted...
Shut the fuck up and drive
I dont want to crash into anyone.
Turbam posted...
Go to driver's ed
I did look at drivers ed before this attempt, but there are none nearby and theyre more expensive than I have money for.
I took drivers Ed in high school - it was a requirement.

I still don't have a license, nor do I plan to get one
Cookin like a chef, I'm a 5 Star Michelin
i got my provisional license back in feb. im 27

practiced for a few months and then took a class (mandatory here).

I didnt have the patience or heart for learning to drive. Im scared to drive. I have terrible hand-eye coordination and my motor skills are terrible in general.
I dont know how of much of my unwillingness to learn is my own lack of faith in myself as well my non-existent desire and how much is genuine fear of the hazards and harm that come from a large, moving object.

ya this describes me too.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PC) & DMC3:SE Ubisoft Port (PC)
Yeah, driver's ed really helps. If you go out with an instructor they can give you tips. It really helped me when I was learning. They can also stop the car if you mess up too, so chances are you won't get the opportunity to mess up too badly.

I used to be afraid of driving too. Used to have nightmares about losing control of the car and stuff like that. I didn't start at 16 because of that. I waited until I was 18. Going out and driving and learning how to be a better driver stopped all that, though. The nightmares stopped once I became confident in my driving skills.

If driving is still too much for you, some therapy may help you as well.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
Your issues seem pretty deep rooted and anxiety driven. Probably a lot more going on under the surface than just driving because learning to drive is something that is done in a pretty short amount of time in a handful of lessons. It isn't some big complicated thing.

But obviously you have a giant fear of it. If you can't even pass a parked car on one side. You would have shit yourself in my drivers ed 34 years ago driving a giant station wagon over a narrow bridge when a semi was coming the opposite direction and you only had a few inches on each side of the vehicle.

Maybe you should seek out some therapy. Driving gives you a lot of freedom and independence. it is a good thing to embrace and it isn't some big scary thing. It is just a tool to be utilized.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
I know a 30 year old guy who can't drive or ride a bike. It's too hard and it takes precious time away from looking at MLP
Irony posted...
Shut the fuck up and drive
Kremlin delenda est
With how high some car insurance premiums are getting, I can't blame the topic creator that much for not wanting to drive.

One thing I personally hated was when the car insurance company I was with did so poorly that they got bought out by one of the ones you see on television with all the celebrity ads.

I wouldn't have brought car insurance up except in some states, you may as well call it a tax for being in the driver's seat.

MangaBroski posted...
I dont want to crash into anyone.

Also good thinking.
For everyone suggesting therapy, while I know I need to schedule therapy sessions for other reasons, I would have never thought about including or discussing my distrust of myself learning to drive as a topic. If I ever do see a therapist, its something l try to remember to mention.

Rexdragon125 posted...
I know a 30 year old guy who can't drive or ride a bike. It's too hard and it takes precious time away from looking at MLP
Well, at least I can ride a bicycle (though I dont own a working one).

i think every nerdy anxious person ever has thrown around the "you dont want me behind the wheel im scared!!!!" excuse but the honest truth is all you really need is a few hours of practicing it and you will have learned just about everything you ever need to know. literally just a handful of hours of your time in exchange for not being stuck at home or bothering your friends and family for rides
Looks like this gamer's paradise has turned into a gamer's hell...............................................
archizzy posted...
Your issues seem pretty deep rooted and anxiety driven. Probably a lot more going on under the surface than just driving because learning to drive is something that is done in a pretty short amount of time in a handful of lessons. It isn't some big complicated thing.

But obviously you have a giant fear of it. If you can't even pass a parked car on one side. You would have shit yourself in my drivers ed 34 years ago driving a giant station wagon over a narrow bridge when a semi was coming the opposite direction and you only had a few inches on each side of the vehicle.

Maybe you should seek out some therapy. Driving gives you a lot of freedom and independence. it is a good thing to embrace and it isn't some big scary thing. It is just a tool to be utilized.
This. Just thinking back when I was in my early 20's that I had crippling social anxiety. My friend took me under his wing and over time I got over it mostly. I do slip from time to time. I'm not assertive enough. In your case TC you have to work at it, like I did. It allows this freedom to go anywhere.
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
Whats the word for a word that triggers distrust and doubt? Freedom and independence give me those doubtful vibes in this scenario.
Current Events » I feel kinda bad for giving up on learning how to drive