Rowling got beef with Harry and Hermione.

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Gwynevere posted...
It's wild to me that it's 2024, Rowling herself has dropped the facade of just being concerned for women and embraced being a dumbfuck transphobe, and people still run defense pretending that her words are being misconstrued.

Yeah, I got it in the early stages. If Im honest, I was probably guilty of it myself to a degree, because as much as its an emotive subject for some people, it is possible for comments to be taken out of context or exaggerated after the fact or whatever. And honestly, the first couple of times I heard something dodgy from Rowling, I thought thats what was happening, because shed always seemed really progressive before.

However, its been really clear for some time now that shes not somebody who deserves the benefit of the doubt. Her comments arent being made flippantly about a subject that she knows little about, which some people do with no ill intent. Shes made her whole reason for being attacking a marginalised group and shes been very open about it.