Which future handheld are you more likely to buy?

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Current Events » Which future handheld are you more likely to buy?
They probably will come out around the same time and I bet will kinda compete with each other
I'm always going to want to be able to play Nintendo games.
We all ate the biscuits, Fighter. We can all see through time. [ER]
I already have a gaming pc
She is like a cat in the dark. And then she is the darkness
I'm through with Nintendo systems. They are just 95% shovelware with like 1 good game a year.
See profile pic
I voted Switch 2, was that would be a priority, but I would 100% buy a Steam Deck 2 if it's a big enough leap over the first one
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Switch, if anything. Already have a gaming PC.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
steam deck 2 now that I know you can just use emulators >_>
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
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Last handheld I sorta gaf about was the PSP. So these are easy passes.
S / K / Y / N / E
Switch 2. Couldn't care less about portability so Deck is useless to me
https://i.imgur.com/m6Rgs8D.jpg https://i.imgur.com/qUMZhdW.jpg
Will Switch 2 have good games?
Still waiting on that third threat
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Pikakaeru, use water gun!
Current Events » Which future handheld are you more likely to buy?