Harada says younger players prefer team games so they can shift blame when they

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Prestoff posted...
With online netcode getting better (because the Japanese devs are now FINALLY putting in rollback netcode into their games) there's only soo much you can blame "lag" or "inputs" until you realize that the main reason you're losing is simply a skill issue.
Even if it's rare, I think the uncertainty is what bothers a lot of people. What if you're in the middle of match and lag is what costs you the victory? It's very frustrating. Not only does being in a team soften the blow a bit, but also 1v1 play tends to be shorter, more intense matches where every second counts. So even a small amount of lag could conceivably cost you a match. I think a lot of people just don't want to risk it.

Also when it's 1v1 I think people want to be able to see and interact with the person in real time more. Playing with random strangers that you never meet can be lonely, but feeling like part of a team makes it less so.
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