Remember how crazy it was when Pokemon Diamond/Pearl released?

Current Events

Gen 4 trade boards was definitely something you don't see nowadays, and it's not just because this site is dead these years. Summer 2007 when all the kids were let out of school, you would see so many trade threads on multiple sites, even like the IRC that Serebii hosted, with instant trade offers similar to DMs nowadays. I was one of those summer 2007 kids, created my first GF account because of DP trading, and it was super active.

People talking about gen 1 and 2 don't know what it's like living in America and being able to schedule a trade with someone in Europe or Japan.
Proud Arceus of C.E.A.L. 3DS: 3926 5179 1229 IGN: ICanSnake (AS, Moon, UM, SW) | Jon (X)
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