York of Louis and Clark - they lied to us

Current Events

Current Events » York of Louis and Clark - they lied to us
I never heard of York. I have heard of Louis and Clark. It should maybe be Louis and York with his owner Clark.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known https://photobucket.com/u/SwordOfWheat/a/9990a2ee-25f3-4242-ae79-7d2d4b882be4
I thought of Superman.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
York was a slave owned by Clark. Clark's place in American history is based on York's accomplishments

There was a Louis and York Expedition which is taught to Americans about 5 times in grades 1-12.

It is called Louis and Clark but it was Louis and York. Clark got credit for the leadership skills of York. Inaccuracies in history on this scale compromise what we as Americans "know."

We are like computers running on sloppy data.

We all make life decisions based on what we learn. Garbage in means garbage out. Writing York out of history seriously skews the picture. Even Black History week did not mention York.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known https://photobucket.com/u/SwordOfWheat/a/9990a2ee-25f3-4242-ae79-7d2d4b882be4
Current Events » York of Louis and Clark - they lied to us