Going to a 90's themed party tonight...

Current Events

Im devoid of fashion. My entire life Ive dressed the same no matter the era or fashion of the times. Its always just a t-shirt. If its cold Ill wear blue jeans and Ive always worn baggy jeans because I like having room and hate tight jeans.

When its warm out I wear athletic shorts with my t-shirt. I mostly wear sneakers/tennis shoes but occasionally in full blown summer I wear sandals.

Im so devoid of fashion Im not even sure what is considered 80s, 90s, 2000s or 2010s. The only thing I ever recall from an era was 80s women definitely did the big hair with bangs up in the air. Thats the only thing I look at and associate with an era.

Enjoy the party.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton