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Enclave posted...
Lots of people were on Gamergates side initially, on the surface it brought up a very real issue, there's definitely a problematic relationship between the gaming journalists and game publishers.

Of course if that was the entire focus things would have been fine but nope, incels had to make it about various women and absolutely tainted things.

...Gamergate literally started because of some game dev's ex-boyfriend got upset over their breakup and decided to write a lengthy over sharing blog damning a female game dev as a person sleeping around to get good game reviews (which wasn't even true). While there are actual issues with game devs and games 'journalism', the issue is more that the majority of games journalism works as a fucking PR branch just re-publishing trailers and press statements while afraid of rocking the boat too much to get blacklisted from early review builds/copies/material.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool