Have you ever actually seen a full Anita Sarkeesian video?

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Blue_Dream87 posted...
Only one. I was a bit on the Gamergater side at first but after watching the vid... It was incredibly tame. Think the damsel in distress one.

Lots of people were on Gamergates side initially, on the surface it brought up a very real issue, there's definitely a problematic relationship between the gaming journalists and game publishers.

Of course if that was the entire focus things would have been fine but nope, incels had to make it about various women and absolutely tainted things.

Would have been nice if we could have put a stop to things like Publishers giving reviewers paid vacations to try out their games in a curated one hour early access trip or stop them from sending reviewers super cool press kits full of merch.

Instead damn near the whole movement was obsessed with some indie devs love life and a few other women who had absolutely nothing to do with anything that mattered. Of course those idiots didn't give a damn about the actual issues in gaming journalism, it was all just a cover so on the surface you had people think it was a reasonable complaint until you looked at who the vitriol was directed at.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.