Growing up, did you have a good relationship with your father?

Current Events

Yep. My dad mostly worked and I was a latchkey kid but even though we didnt do much together and I was largely left to my own, he always provided well and made sure I was taken care of. For a guy to get full custody in the 70s was a pretty big deal and he raised me as a single dad and I always knew his actions meant way more than any words.

So yeah my dad is pretty legit. Hes the only person I regularly talk to and he called me yesterday to wish me happy birthday. Im 48, he never forgets and always calls me even though Im very private and just want to be left alone by most people in the world it makes me feel good when I get a happy birthday from my dad.

It will be a sad day when hes gone someday. Legitimately one of the only people that really matters to me and hes been dependable my entire life. Guy has stepped up to the plate from day 1 when he was just 17 years old and got my mom pregnant. My dad is great.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton