Arnold says if you have 1 hour a day to spare, you can work out.

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Make it part of your schedule, not something you have to fit into your schedule. It's just something you do, like showering or eating, not something you need to make time for.

Ask most people who go to the gym or work out regularly when they do it, they'll tell you generally the same time every day. Either in the morning before they start their day, after work, maybe after they've finished all their other home duties but before bed, whatever. It's usually the same time every day. That helps.

It really only takes an hour, and some of the busiest people in the world find a way to spend time exercising. If you can't do it then you're likely making excuses and/or just not being smart with your time. Maybe you don't know what to do, but if that's the case then youtube is your friend. If you were given only one car to use for the rest of your life, you can bet that you'd take care of it. Why not treat your body the same way? I've been there, I used to be super lazy and unmotivated (and fat), but I also know that during that time I was making excuses and finding every reason or justification not to work out. But I was living in pain every day from being weak. If you never move and you find that you have soreness in areas, I can guarantee you the way to fix it is not to continue resting lol unless you're so far gone that surgery is the answer. But usually some sort of yoga or light movements (aka physical therapy) will get you sorted on the right track. "Use it or lose it" is true.

And if you're not interested in being jacked, don't worry. You won't just wake up one day accidentally looking like Arnold. But your body will feel better from just 3 or 4 days a week - and eating right, but that's a whole other set of paragraphs. Speaking of Arnold, I remember a quote (and I'm paraphrasing) where somebody said to him "I would never want to look like you" and he responded with "don't worry, you never will."
PSN: LoveLikeJazz