Why did Jim Sterling fall off so hard?

Current Events

KI_Simpson posted...
"The world is horrible and getting worse in every way but if you have the completely rational reaction to that of your mental health getting worse that's actually your fault, and avoiding things that make you feel worse is also wrong."

And no, the world isn't constantly getting worse, but it isn't going to move in a positive direction in all areas every day, so it's very easy to make it seem like it's getting perpetually worse if you ignore positive changes and hyperfocus on negative ones. Which is what content like Sterling's does.
That's such an abjectly weird quote that isn't in anyway paraphrased from what I said you might as well have just made it up. I'm not going to sit here & make an entire list of all the negative shit happening every single day, but most people realize that life is about finding the small things that bring enjoyment or fulfilment to your life. Not all of Sterling's videos are this "doom & gloom" parade that people pretend they are & as an avid viewer, I can immediately tell at a glance that the people complaining about the style don't watch them actively.

They don't like having to talk about negative occurrences all the time because they realize how demoralizing that is, but they do it because talking about these situations often is how you understand what's happening, & then how you can improve it. Women are still clawing back their freedom for abortion & bodily autonomy in the states, & yet we still have negative topics talking about when the GOP does some new insane shit that affects women & couples.

No one ever goes into those threads & says "wow this is just too much negativity for me, imma have to unsub from this timeline & dip." No, people that care about the problems stay engaged & up to date on what's going on, no matter how dour it might get. That's how the human condition works lol.

If people don't have the mental headspace to keep up with something every single day I get it. But if people actually in anyway care about an issue whatever it is, you will stay informed & up to date about it. Whether it's abusive gaming industry practices, women's rights or civil rights, or otherwise. I would argue the world is getting worse by a small % day after day given climate change & we're just waiting for the end, but that's just my pessimistic view on things. Maybe some technology or mass human campaign will bail us out, but that's a conversation for another topic