Is there actually a sword called Shadowblade?

Current Events

Current Events » Is there actually a sword called Shadowblade?
In either video games,comics,animation ect?
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Sounds like it'd be a move or item in Dota 2 or something.
There's a shuriken named that in Mega Man 3 if that's worth anything.
Still waiting on that third threat
ViewtifulJoe posted...
Sounds like it'd be a move or item in Dota 2 or something.
There's a shuriken named that in Mega Man 3 if that's worth anything.

Everything about this post is right.
It's more than good, it's alive!
Warning: May contain stone hat pieces
1213 // Queer Liberation, Not Assimilation
Technically, the Sinister Shadowblade, but yes
My Personal Backlog (I might have a problem) -
Phantasy Star IV has a Shadow Blade as an enemy drop only item.
"If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to be destroyed...I must simply laugh!!."- Magus
tri-sapphire posted...
Phantasy Star IV has a Shadow Blade as an enemy drop only item.

There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, a state of bliss
Does this count?
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
saw it at a flea market iirc
Do the cedar trees still standing
next to the ocean still grow?
Current Events » Is there actually a sword called Shadowblade?