Are you bad at flirting?

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Current Events » Are you bad at flirting?
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
*Winks with both eyes*
4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014
10/02/47 - 9/19/23
This is CE of course we will be bad at it.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Yes I'm very bad at flirting made more difficult by my 'tism. But relationships with wham'en are still one of the most important things in the world to me.
twylite sprinkle
I'm a pro at flirting the problem is I'm ugly as fuck
See profile pic
I attract ladies like flies to shit mang - courtesy of the homie United_World
born in this world crying, but die laughing.
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Never really tried to flirt with anyone tbh.
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
I got banned
I own a Gaming PC
The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States
KogaSteelfang posted...
When was the last time you tried to flirt with a woman?
Cleveland sports fan
Crayon_Lover posted...
When was the last time you tried to flirt with a woman?
I'm not brave enough to.
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I can only flirt if it's with someone who's out of my league, or if it's a situation where I know nothing can happen. It's weird.
Thanks for reading!
Somewhere in the middle. My style of flirting is a little unorthodox.
I'm... I'm too good? I flirt consciously if I'm pursuing something, but sometimes I don't realize I'm flirting until it 'works' somehow.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
I'm good at flirting in person, not ad much over text
I do drawings and stuff
more or less god of flirting
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
I can't flirt with random girls and am usually terrible at going up to someone and flirting, but I flirt a lot with female coworkers and friends so idk.

i don't mean like hitting on flirting, i can't do that with anyone, more like goofing around or teasing w/ occasional innuendo jokes type of flirting.
Current Events » Are you bad at flirting?