ITT, I ask a.i. to draw things for me 0_0

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Current Events » ITT, I ask a.i. to draw things for me 0_0
"Draw me a large eagle swallowing a small dog in Attack On Titan style art"
Do Kermit the frog dueling the hot dog man with rapiers
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Looks awful
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Post #4 was unavailable or deleted.
I don't remember what I wrote for this, but it was something like, "toy story character something something studio ghibli art"
Crono99 posted...
Do a hot dog eating another hot dog
don't remember what I wrote for this one, but it was something like, "a horse meeting a bird at a tree pixel art"
Crono99 posted...
Do a hot dog eating another hot dog

"draw a hot dog eating another hot dog in a studio ghibli art"
"draw a horse protesting a horse race pixel art"
"draw me an original pokemon that looks like a pair of headphones"
Smackems posted...
Do Kermit the frog dueling the hot dog man with rapiers
Da-Etiquette posted...
Da-Etiquette posted...
That Pokmon is adorable.
Do Squirrels on LSD in the style of Hunter S. Thompson.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
"draw goku meeting freeza for the first time in studio ghibli art"
"draw me a man screaming at a jar of peanutbutter in studio ghibli style art"
"draw a man jogging with his sister while opening a can of chickpeas in studio ghibli style art"
Da-Etiquette posted...
"draw goku meeting freeza for the first time in studio ghibli art"

Great image, but I think Goku was the taller of the two.
There's been a shift in AI where now I'm seeing some cool novel things in the art itself, though still mired in generic AI trappings. Less blatant trappings, but still obvious.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Da-Etiquette posted...
"draw a man jogging with his sister while opening a can of chickpeas in studio ghibli style art"

I'm shocked at the hands. They're not mutated.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Draw me a cat doggy style
Guide posted...
I'm shocked at the hands. They're not mutated.
Sometimes the AI gets lucky. You basically just have to spam generate the same prompt about 30 times and eventually it will accidentally do it right.

What's awesome about that image is this whole situation here:
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Sometimes the AI gets lucky. You basically just have to spam generate the same prompt about 30 times and eventually it will accidentally do it right.

What's awesome about that image is this whole situation here:

Thats the Magnesium jk
evening main 2.4356848e+91
what model is this?

dall-e 2 seems to be pretty strict about trademarks and copyrights, and sd doesn't usually have much precision out of the box, so i'm guessing it's not those.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
Do Squirrels on LSD in the style of Hunter S. Thompson.

"draw squirrels on lsd in the style of hunter s. thompson.
Da-Etiquette posted...
"draw squirrels on lsd in the style of hunter s. thompson.

Not sure that the Hunter S. Thompson part comes through, but I would definitely put this on my wall.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
draw me charmander fighting a colossus from shadow of the colossus
TheMikh posted...
what model is this?

dall-e 2 seems to be pretty strict about trademarks and copyrights, and sd doesn't usually have much precision out of the box, so i'm guessing it's not those. copilot DALL E 3.
"draw me a mouse learning to use the internet for the first time in studio ghibli art style"
"draw me a mouse teaching a dog to use the internet in studio ghibli style art"
"draw a very tall women standing in front of a fox while the fox is eating a bag of gummy worms in studio ghibli style art"
"bag of flour bursted open after someone swung their katana at it in attack on titan style art"
"draw me a lion dining on vegan asian cuisine in studio ghibli art style"

"draw me a flying bear fighting a bag of flying hotsauce in studio ghibli style art."
"draw me a man playing every instrument at once in studio ghibli style art"
Da-Etiquette posted...
"draw me a man playing every instrument at once in studio ghibli style art"
did it again.
Da-Etiquette posted...
did it again.
Now I asked for a women
Da-Etiquette posted...
Now I asked for a women
asked for another lady again.
"draw me a swampert playing the chello" they gave me a bulbasaur blastoise hybrid.
"draw me a tall man with a chicken on their head in a town with studio ghibli style art"
"draw me a fox opening a bag of potato chips in studio ghibli art style"
"draw me a fox sharing a bag of potato chips with killin from dragonball z in studio ghibli art style"
"draw me a fox in a sewer eating a bag of potato chips in studio ghibli art style"
Da-Etiquette posted...
"draw me a fox in a sewer eating a bag of potato chips in
Do Scarlett from Unicorn Overlord in 90's anime style.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
"draw me a pikachu in a sewer eating a bag of potato chips with studio ghibli style art"
Current Events » ITT, I ask a.i. to draw things for me 0_0
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