USA has no moral ground to stand on if China takes Taiwan.

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Current Events » USA has no moral ground to stand on if China takes Taiwan.
PRC is a paper tiger, their only military actions since takeover are getting spanked by the US in the Korean War and repeatedly getting spanked even worse by Vietnam.

LMAO keep telling yourself that. Who drove the USA back to the South Korean border again?
Fenriswolf posted...
LMAO keep telling yourself that. Who drove the USA back to the South Korean border again?
MacArthur wanted to nuke them ( -_-)
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
Do you guys think he gets paid by the post or unironically does it for free?
Ubergeneral3 posted...
captialism is evil. Any where the idea that it brings properity to anyone but the wealth 1% needs to go away. Taiwan should be conquered so to issue a crushing defeat to capitalism
You should give away all of your money to people poorer than you instead.
Sigs are rather pointless, except if it's to showcase animation and images.
Fenriswolf posted...
Literally advocating committing war crimes.
honestly with all the stuff going on around israel / hamas / palestine recently, I'm starting to feel more and more like "war crimes" are just some sort of collective figment of imagination, since it's sort of clear that the few entities who would be actually capable of enforcing them don't actually care

The usual ccp shills I have tagged are itt lmao
UnholyMudcrab posted...
China will not invade Taiwan.
They will if we let Russia take all of Ukraine
They lost the high ground by continuing to give billions to Israel.
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
Mew posted...
The usual ccp shills I have tagged are itt lmao

Like it or not, and there is much to dislike about the CCP, it has fed its people and China today is far and away from the chaos it went through for decades. Of course it will have its defenders and its foolish to think otherwise.
Ulfar posted...

Like it or not, and there is much to dislike about the CCP, it has fed its people

Cannibalism = the high ground!
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
sfcalimari posted...
Cannibalism = the high ground!

Yes but also
Ulfar posted...
Cannibalism = the high ground!

Literally dragging out something from the 1960s LMAO

Meanwhile Mao's rival Chiang Kai Shek, who started the civil war, thought burning down an entire city and blowing up a dam are great tactics.

kirbymuncher posted...
honestly with all the stuff going on around israel / hamas / palestine recently, I'm starting to feel more and more like "war crimes" are just some sort of collective figment of imagination, since it's sort of clear that the few entities who would be actually capable of enforcing them don't actually care

The standards were never high, but israel lowered them to extreme levels and the world will continue to get worse as a result.
It doesn't, but geopolitics has also nwvee operated on moral grounds.
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
BlueKat posted...
Your friend is correct
While it would be dumb to do so for those reasons, there is a risk that they will eventually be consumed by their own propaganda and be forced into taking Taiwan via war. Currently, the leadership would much prefer to use psyops to eventually convince Taiwan to unify, but they keep trying to sell the idea that they will take Taiwan by force.
I want a pet Lavos Spawn.
[Order of the Cetaceans: Phocoena dioptrica]
Fenriswolf posted...
Literally dragging out something from the 1960s LMAO.
He says, as he...

Fenriswolf posted...
LMAO keep telling yourself that. Who drove the USA back to the South Korean border again?
Goes back to 1950 in his desperation to find a Chinese W over the US.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
kelemvor posted...
China is never going to physically attack Taiwan, they can't afford it.

Russia can't even come close to steamrolling Ukraine and that's a land invasion. All Taiwan has to do is lob some missiles towards the Three Gorges Dam and China would be brought to its knees.

In fact, I don't even think they need to hit the damn, I think they can attack damns further up the Yangtze river and the cascade of water flowing downstream will do the job for them.

They'd probably hit all of them with the brunt of the attack on the TGD.
Bah Gawd!!! That Batista is an Animal!!! - JR
Fenriswolf posted...
How is your credit score again?
Mine's pretty sweet, 827 since January.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
Fenriswolf posted...
LMAO keep telling yourself that. Who drove the USA back to the South Korean border again?

which army was recently discovered to have filled its missiles with water instead of fuel?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
He says, as he...

Goes back to 1950 in his desperation to find a Chinese W over the US.

Goose, gander etc. Not surprising to see you defending the board's resident Israel apologist.

Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...
Mine's pretty sweet, 827 since January.

"It's totally fine when the US does it"!!!

thronedfire2 posted...
which army was recently discovered to have filled its missiles with water instead of fuel?

LMAO says the person who doesn't know how rocketry works. Tell me, when you want to store a car in a garage long term, do you leave the fuel in?

"Ms Anushka Saxena, a PLA researcher at Indias Takshashila Institution, said it was probably water being stored in some of the systems to check whether they were leak-proof.

If missiles were filled with water and not liquid fuel, how was the leftover extra fuel accounted for in the books? Were the numbers and details always precise enough to escape various inspections, with simultaneous selling off of the liquid, which again went unnoticed? she asked, noting that the intel was very non-specific.

Dr Shen Ming-Shih from Taiwans Institute for National Defense and Security Research said it was possible for water to be used to avoid corrosion by liquid propellants.

In an op-ed for the Hong Kong-based Asia Times platform, security expert Stephen Bryen agreed that storing missiles loaded with fuel could lead to corrosion of internal tanks and plumbing.
Is Fenris simping for china again
Hee Ho
Our moral ground is being a democratic nation protecting a democratic nation ally from being invaded and annexed by a hostile dictatorship. Are you really this dense or just a bot?
Trust me, I'm a scientist.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Is Fenris simping for china again
If there's a China topic and he posts in it the answer is yes.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
ProfOaksAide posted...
Our moral ground is being a democratic nation protecting a democratic nation ally from being invaded and annexed by a hostile dictatorship. Are you really this dense or just a bot?

Tell me who started the Chinese Civil War again?
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Is Fenris simping for china again
Does he do anything else but simp for them? lol
What in Sam Hill is a puma?
Fenriswolf posted...
Tell me who started the Chinese Civil War again?

Who gives a shit? That was 100 years ago
Trust me, I'm a scientist.
ProfOaksAide posted...
Who gives a shit? That was 100 years ago

Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.

You do know that the war did not end until 1950 and even then the two sides never signed a ceasefire or peace treaty, with the ROC claiming the entirety of PRC plus Mongolia up until the 2000s?

Would you go tell a Palestinian to "get over it" because the war started in 1948?
Palestine doesnt have anything to do with China or Taiwan

Your propaganda has the same stench as Ukraine is ethnically Russian, they want us to invade them. No thanks
Trust me, I'm a scientist.
Hey guys, I have an idea

Stop fucking feeding him.
Spartan_Jedi117 posted...
Does he do anything else but simp for them? lol

Yeah, is also really obsessed with XBox for some reason. People in China tend to hate XBox, but he is a Westerner of Chinese descent if I remember correctly. I don't think he actually knows Chinese either. One time he sent me a video saying it talked about something relevant to our discussion and it wasn't remotely related. I think he just sent a Chinese video and hoped I wouldn't understand it.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ProfOaksAide posted...
Palestine doesnt have anything to do with China or Taiwan

Your propaganda has the same stench as Ukraine is ethnically Russian, they want us to invade them. No thanks

Keep moving the goalposts, Israel apologist. You can't pick and choose historical events when its suits you.

Ukrainian history goes back centuries and is ethnically distinguishable from Russians, and the "Ukraine is really Russian" nonsense are a result of ethnic nationalism in the aftermath of the Soviet breakup. In contrast, Taiwan was a province of the Qing Dynasty, forcibly given to Japan, then returned as a province of the ROC after WW2. The Nationalist lost the civil war, fled there when they looted the treasury, and for the next two decades, claimed that they're the real government of China while the mainland was under rebellion, and the US supported the claims since they needed a place to contain mainland China.
Taiwan was the origin of Polynesian people and was later colonized by Chinese, but only part of China for a portion of the Qing dynasty. It had also been colonized by the Dutch and Spanish prior to the Qing. Modern Taiwanese people largely do not want to become part of China (most preferring the status quo or formal independence) and are overwhelmingly pro-Japan. The native people of Taiwan are a very small portion of the population, but young people today even of Chinese descent mostly identify as Taiwanese and not Chinese.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
Taiwan number 1 china number 2
Let mobolo back in
Fenriswolf posted...
Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.

You do know that the war did not end until 1950 and even then the two sides never signed a ceasefire or peace treaty, with the ROC claiming the entirety of PRC plus Mongolia up until the 2000s?

Would you go tell a Palestinian to "get over it" because the war started in 1948?
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
The U.S. just kinda does whatever we want anyways, I dont think a moral high ground is a limiting factor
Metal_Gear_Raxis posted...

"I use shitty memes because I don't understand out foreign countries work"
gamer167 posted...
The U.S. just kinda does whatever we want anyways, I dont think a moral high ground is a limiting factor

Yep just look at Artsakh, which Armenians have lived in for centuries yet internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan. The Azeris recently ethnically cleansed Artsakh of its Armenian population but the USA just watched because Azerbaijan's dictator is an useful ally against Iran.
Fenriswolf posted...
"I use shitty memes because I don't understand out foreign countries work"
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ssjevot posted...
Taiwan was the origin of Polynesian people and was later colonized by Chinese, but only part of China for a portion of the Qing dynasty. It had also been colonized by the Dutch and Spanish prior to the Qing. Modern Taiwanese people largely do not want to become part of China (most preferring the status quo or formal independence) and are overwhelmingly pro-Japan. The native people of Taiwan are a very small portion of the population, but young people today even of Chinese descent mostly identify as Taiwanese and not Chinese.

Tell that to my ancestors from Fujian. The people of Kinmen consider themselves to be Chinese of Hokkien descent, not Taiwanese, and regularly support the pro-unification parties.

My family on my father's side was persecuted by the KMT, and my grandfather was jailed for many years before the KMT exiled him to Japan. As such I do have a personal say in the matter, more than Americans whose only exposure to the Cross Strait conflict that affected generations are a bunch of shitty memes.
DarthAragorn posted...

How's your credit score again? Don't let it go below 580 or you'd be rejected for jobs LMAO.
Cool, you have some personal connections. Most people in Taiwan still consider themselves Taiwanese and don't want to be part of China. It would be easier to take you seriously if you actually lived in China. You are literally more unhinged that the Chinese nationalists in my own family that actually live in China.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
He gets really, really mad at social credit jokes, huh?
OmegaShinkai posted...
He gets really, really mad at social credit jokes, huh?

That's his secret. He's always angry.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
Cool, you have some personal connections. Most people in Taiwan still consider themselves Taiwanese and don't want to be part of China. It would be easier to take you seriously if you actually lived in China. You are literally more unhinged that the Chinese nationalists in my own family that actually live in China.

I AM CHINESE. I just find it hilarious to see you trying to tell a stranger on the internet on what their nationality should be.

Yeah lots of Taiwanese are pro-status quo or independence, so what? I am telling my own experiences based on Kinmen where the vast majority of people do not want independence.

Furthermore, plenty of Taiwanese youths nowadays have more pressing concerns about the performance of Taiwan's economy and are pessimistic about Taiwan's future, which is why most people did not vote for the DPP.

I lived for years in China and the youths I've spoken to are far more aware of the history of the Cross Strait conflicts and other geopolitical aspects. The older generation who undertook trips to Taiwan all have positive things to say about it. I can't say the same about the average Taiwanese youths who knows very little about mainland China outside of memes, or even know about much politics to begin with.
I hate how you always make shit up. Where did I tell you what your nationality should be? You live in a Western country and not China? Correct? My point is you are literally more unhinged than the nationalists in my family living in China right now. You probably actively hurt China's reputation with your posting.

And yet you still spend all your time badly defending China on a video game message board (and who knows where else), oh and I guess defending XBox for whatever reason. It feels more believable that it's a character you created.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
Fanatically defending any country is quite laughable, tbh.
I want a pet Lavos Spawn.
[Order of the Cetaceans: Phocoena dioptrica]
gamer167 posted...
The U.S. just kinda does whatever we want anyways, I dont think a moral high ground is a limiting factor

This. Moral high ground isnt part of the equation for a potential hostile invasion of Taiwan.
uwnim posted...
Fanatically defending any country is quite laughable, tbh.
Yeah, that's the funny thing, he projects his zealot-like fervor to defend China onto us Americans for our own country.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
Hey TC. Is this the first time your realised world politics is full of hypocrisy and double standards?
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I would love to see the PRC military get annihilated
after years of waiting
nothing came
Current Events » USA has no moral ground to stand on if China takes Taiwan.
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