The two best NBA players this year are white?

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Current Events » The two best NBA players this year are white?
I dont watch basketball but thats what I heard. Has that ever happened before?
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mr. MFN eXquire.

Its always with non-americans though because Dirk and Nash were top 2 mvp voting in like 07
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Essentially my theory is there are more white guys who play basketball outside of the US than there are black guys who play basketball which leads to these kinds of disparities lol
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Aloc posted...

Its always with non-americans though because Dirk and Nash were top 2 mvp voting in like 07

Correct answer. Larry Bird was the last GOAT white American.
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Rosstin316 posted...
Correct answer. Larry Bird was the last GOAT white American.
Last white american who got mvp.

When was that?

84 and 86.



From outside the US.

Jokic, Nowitzki, Nash and maybe Doncic.
Aloc will now post in PG or try
Fuck an MVP, bring home the 'Chip, Doncic!

He'll probably who get neither, buy it's good to dream sometimes. That Mavs run against the Heat a decade ago is still simmering lol.
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Current Events » The two best NBA players this year are white?