How true is this statement: Friends come and go

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Current Events » How true is this statement: Friends come and go
The only ones that are with you forever, good or bad, are family

In my experience, that is how it always was because I had good times with all my friends past and present but. I never had that kind of friend that I saw as family
Pimpin ain't as easy as ya fellas think it is so don't front on me like that SON!
I think friends 'go' only if you let them. You stop answering calls or making contact. Not all family is there for you. At the risk of sounding like Dom Toretto, I feel you can make your own family. It's not a blood thing. Some people can be closer to you than blood relatives.
Sam and Robert are the hitch-hikers on the road.
--Necronomicon incantation (The Evil Dead)
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ZEROWOLF posted...
I think friends 'go' only if you let them. You stop answering calls or making contact. Not all family is there for you. At the risk of sounding like Dom Toretto, I feel you can make your own family. It's not a blood thing. Some people can be closer to you than blood relatives.

The opposite happens too

Sometimes you can be friends with them for years and all of a sudden out of nowhere, they ghost you and lose interest in you

that happened to me
Pimpin ain't as easy as ya fellas think it is so don't front on me like that SON!
I think it's GENERALLY true... I feel like most friendships end. Some can go on for years and years, and some are really short lived, but they end eventually and you kind of drift apart. You might get lucky and have a "friend for life" but it's on the rare side.

With family you will hear from/about them for your whole life generally, even if you don't really actively talk. Even if it's just gossip from your parents. So they'll be "in your life" to at least some extent.

I think this is generally how it goes but on the Internet/CE you'll probably get a skewed response since a disproportionate number of people here seem to hate their families/parents.
^thats along what im thinking
Pimpin ain't as easy as ya fellas think it is so don't front on me like that SON!
Shit some family you're better off without
Italian, French, German.
Pretty much because friends don't have to be stuck with you and can just drop you with no effect to their lives
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this isn't a true/false thing, TC. some friends come and go, some are for life. same for family tbh.
There's a time and place for everything... but not now.
Golden State Warriors | SF Giants | SF 49ers | San Jose Sharks I Manny Pacquiao
Pimpin ain't as easy as ya fellas think it is so don't front on me like that SON!
Current Events » How true is this statement: Friends come and go