So in Metal Gear Solid, why did they intentionally fuck up one? *spoilers*

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pegusus123456 posted...
Putting aside it not being how genes work, why did they intentionally make one inferior clone and one superior one? I don't remember anything saying they had to have an inferior one for a superior one. And why do it at all? You could just make proper clones like Solidus.
The idea was to isolate all of the bad genes and put them in one clone, leaving all the superior genes for the other clone, making that second clone an even better soldier than Big Boss. It didn't work because Solid Snake's experience as a soldier was a much bigger factor than Liquid's genes. In other words, soldier memes > soldier genes.

The thing with Kojima is he makes a couple good predictions

The thing with Kojima's predictions is that they're not really predictions, he's just describing things that are already happening, but not many people know about them until 10 years later. Like MGS2's "predictions" for the internet are really just descriptions of the internet in the 90's. But the internet really wasn't that popular in the 90's, compared to now when everyone has smartphones.