TIL Superman 64 got a strategy guide

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I_is_smart posted...
Bradygames frequently had incorrect information in them. I learned to avoid them as a kid.

Prima really seemed to phone it on some guides although their Tomb Raider and Syphon Filter guides are great. They made serious mistakes like O.D.T.'s guide not only is half baked, but it lists items in wrong location or even does not list all items location. Urban Chaos guide does not even list where the skill points are in levels. Their level maps have white squares on it, and I thought that they were skill points marked, but nope they are not. Lost Odyssey guide had incorrect info.

My favorite guide definitely goes to Acclaim's Shadow Man. It a interview with the directors and even including trivia and bonus facts.

I don't know if any one remembers them, but Dimension Publishing were pretty good. Their Deathtrap Dungeon good is fantastic.
R.I.P. SaikyoMog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-seAIeu3Og
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo