It sad almost nothing came from BLM protest.

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Yeah, I felt like it was kind of doom from the start because it really was more of just a protest and it was an actual like political movement. It really didnt have like a central organization and then I remember reading an article when all this was going down and they mentioned how the people that initially started. The BLM movement got like forced out by other players, and those are the ones who eventually corrupted it.

I also dont think the whole like defunding. The police thing works like it. It just didnt reach enough people and it scared too many people. I dont honestly think thats the answer either. I think the answer is having not a national as a police force but like a nationalized standard and having a Database still doesnt allow these cops to just move from one department to another and in general, just having better accountability better people and higher training standards. in California Theres literally police departments that have less fucking Academy training, then beauticians in order to get licensed.

but at the same time, policing in this country literally was created out of slavery, so the entire institutions been corrupted from its inception, so.