I'm going HARD on AA tomorrow. Alcohol Withdrawal is getting SCARY.

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BowflexPeloton posted...
Just so everyone knows, here's what I did for this time

THIAMINE is the most important thing during withdrawal, if you do NOT heavily supplement you will get Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. I use Benfotiamine, which is a lab form of Thiamine that is fat soluble, rather than water soluble so your body absorbs it more readily. I take it every two or three hours.

FOLIC ACID is the second most important. I use a B Complex to get that, as well as my other B-Vitamins, plus more thiamine.

MULTIVITAMIN for the rest of the vitamins.

Pedialyte as well as Liquid IV for hydration on top of water.

During the initial stage when I couldn't stomach food, I consumed some high calorie protein shakes, as well as some blueberry kefir with some vanilla protein powder added to get immediate food based nutrition as well as sugar to combat the alcoholic ketoacidosis. For some reason, I crave hot dogs when I can actually eat food, so I had three of those.

Absolutely no caffeine, it disrupts your stomach in a way that inhibits the absorption of thiamine.

I am at my parents house and my mom is sleeping in the living room on the couch while I'm on the recliner. The hospital is a two minute walk from their house if something happens.

Rehab is definitely in order, I do agree with that. I know a guy in AA who I believe can help get me financial assistance for rehab.
You are NOT a doctor. Go to urgent care, go to the hospital. You are
1: putting yourself at risk of a deadly seizure
2: potentially putting whether you live or die on your parents shoulders. it would be insanely traumatic to have your child pass from alcohol withdrawal in your own home.

Go get help, worry about the money after. You can do this.