Parents discover human head in son's closet

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HorsemnBusiness posted...
Its amazing to me how clueless parents can be with their kids. They thought it was perfectly normal to let a kid that was diagnosed on the spectrum with major depression, anxiety, some and form of schizo, have a fascination with horror movies, morbid humor, serial killers, and school shootings. Like they started to question him when they discovered a set of knives, duck tape, zip ties, and other weapons for torture previously so he threw them away and they all moved on from it a year prior. He didnt have a bad childhood at all and was just allowed to be molded by his fascination with violence with all his conditions.

It's usually flat-out denial. Even with said red flags of others, the parents won't immediately throw their own child under the bus like that.
"My son/daughter would never do anything bad!"

Until it does happen, of course.

And it is denial "until the bad thing happens" because admitting that maybe your kid really is fucked up and could grow into a serial killer would feel like an admission that the parent failed their child in some way, even if they did everything reasonably correct for raising him or her, as such parents would assume it'd invite a lot of shame and scrutiny that "they're just as bad" and some such.

I know there's a book I spotted on the subject for parents to pay better attention to the signs that their child might be or growing into sociopathy, and ways to steer them away from it.
" I will be your superhero !!!"