Are you still on good terms with any of your ex-partners?

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KogaSteelfang posted...
That's true.

Let's invert that. Why would I feel love for myself when no one's shown I'm worth it? I also don't let people see that side of me. Trust me, I've become a pro at hiding myself.

What part of it has to start with you are you not getting? You cant invert it. Thats just a lame justification for your defeatist attitude.

Yes. I'm very closed off. I have walls upon walls, upon walls. It takes me such an incredibly long time grow close enough to someone to start lowering them... But I'm still friendly and kind, and honest with people. They can still get to know me, I just keep things distant emotionally so I don't get hurt. Does that make me undeserving of love? Does it make me a bad person?

Does it make you a bad person? No. But it does make you a very unrealistic prospect for finding that sort of connection with somebody. You say you want it, but act in the exact opposite way to achieve it.

It would be like saying you want to be a world class pianist and then deliberately breaking all your fingers.

I understand that it would make growing attached difficult... But that doesn't matter because no one's ever been interested in trying.

Even if they were, you wouldnt notice. Youre too busy convincing yourself that its impossible.

You're right, it is me. I'm the problem. Always have been, always will be.

Then thats a choice. You know youre self-sabotaging and continue to do so.

I don't know the history there, but I guarantee my parents could give them a run for the money.

Ive no reason to doubt that. Plenty of shitbags in the world.