A modest proposal: No smartphones for kids

Current Events

McgeesAlice808 posted...
Less capacity to be able to immediately contact their teachers, guardians, and authority, less capacity to interact with minorities as themselves in more secluded areas, less capacity to read about world news, or learn all kinds of information from wikipedia and education sites, less capacity to talk about interests that their other peers don't have (like why all of you are here ). And that's besides all the everyday conveniences that various apps can give. The fact that you can only think of things as what right wing boomers fearmonger you about shows your own lack of perspective and projecting technology being mostly a negative for you. What negatives would banning video games or cartoons be?

Are you actually so out of touch you think smartphones and Facebook are as dangerous and requires as much responsibility and life experience as driving and working? Did playing video games and posting on old style forums like gamefaqs really fuck your life up that much?

Your logic is extremely ignorant and uneducated. Yes, banking and flashlight would also be uses for smartphones. Smartphones are far more of an everyday accessory and modern convenience for all ages than driving is. This should be common sense to people who aren't still stuck two decades ago.

As you say, this varies between different schools and leagues. There can be local programs for even younger ages. 7-9 sounds fair though. There have also been many articles about the dangers and long term negative effects of football with lots of schools and lawmakers that have called for a ban on that too. Might even be more dangerous than smartphones and social media.

The fact that you can't tell the difference between restricting various content and banning entire mediums shows how lacking your education is. Which is par for the course for older conservatives. All your arguments and mentality are exactly one of an out of touch conservative that's only comfortable with the technology they're familiar with.
Thank you for lacking so much self awareness that you've actually agreed with my entire point and don't realize it. You are a prime example of how social media can twist your self image so much that you become everything you rally against.

it's clear this conversation isn't gonna go any further, so I'm gonna go practice my cursive and watch the news.