Guess Which Part of Texas Is Looking For Porn the Most?

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Asherlee10 posted...
I can.

* East Texas, north of Houston is a lot like Louisiana and Arkansas. Values, accents, and food are a lot like other places in the south east. Also a lot of baptists.
* Northwest Texas (Lubbock, Abilene, etc) are pretty much just like Okies. Very little to do in that area and it's desolate. Culture is very much like Oklahoma.
* Central Texas (Austin) is extremely liberal, not very religious, very open about a lot of social concepts
* South Texas (Corpus) is very Catholic, but tends to vote Blue. The Mexican culture there can be a bit repressive on social aspects
* West Texas (El Paso), I know very little about

From what I hear, El Paso is Texas if it wasn't run like shit
I have nothing else to say