How often does relatability factor into storytelling for you?

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Not sure. On one hand, who kares what race/gender/sexuality the protag is. Thier motivation is to help a loved one, remove a vile being from a position of power, finally be free, get rich/famous, spark a romance, or do the right thing because they're the only one who kan/kares. Extremely relatable, or at the very least, understandable koncepts regarless of whether the MC is an Amazonian hardass, radioactive porcupine, or Straight White Steve from Accounting. So it's hard to shrug off relatability when the vast majority have been relatable in some form or other.

But on the other, it's not like I kan't get into stories featuring characters who are evil just for the sake of it, passionate about weird/stupid/childish shit, or are either beyond my understanding or undeveloped blank slates. The worse you kan do is be inconsistant or be annoying to the point that I don't even kare who survives this disaster/horror, imo.
Philosophy major in the academy of Nope.