How often does relatability factor into storytelling for you?

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It's never mattered to me, but I also acknowledge that I probably speak from a place of privilege because, for the first 20~ years of my life, it's not something I've ever lacked. Before I found myself, I thought I fell squarely in the demographic that receives the overwhelming majority of representation in the "central protagonist" category. I never even had to think about whether it's someone I can relate to.

Even so...I can still say it doesn't matter to me. Being able to look at a character and say "Hey, this person is just like me!" isn't necessary for me to enjoy their story, to understand what they go through. But I also know that some people do want to be able to relate. So if there's no particular reason in the narrative for them to have certain traits, then why not make them black, non-binary, and asexual? We already have plenty of 20-something straight white guys anyway.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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