How often does relatability factor into storytelling for you?

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ai123 posted...
A huge part of Harry Potter's appeal is relatability/wish fulfillment.

The quiet, nerdy kid who doesn't fit in turns out to be the powerful, heroic wizard! (While still being a schoolkid like you).

Relatability is engaging with fiction at the most basic level ('I like reading stuff about people like me'), but its importance in shifting units cannot be underestimated.
Eh I think even back then I knew wishes don't come true so it would take something else for me to find a character like that relatable. If anything I find it less relatable because Harry Potter is not only a wizard, he's a pretty decent one at that despite not knowing anything about living as a wizard. He also is naturally gifted at the wizarding sport Quidditch despite living in a closet and probably not exercising. And he has special abilities like speaking to snakes and also he's instantly popular because he's the Boy Who Lived, only really having a few detractors. His main rival is Draco Malfoy but even Malfoy didn't instantly hate him. I could go on and on about how much gets added to the character but it basically just made it impossible for me to think of him as relatable. And he isn't nerdy or quiet either, he's pretty outspoken and outgoing right from the start. Hermione is the nerd.
My maid will hear about this.