Health and Wellness Social, formerly known as Weight Loss Social

Current Events

Walked six miles at work during meetings. Weight lifting is definitely helping with my power output on the bike

DuranOfForcena posted...
goddammit. whatever was going on with my left calf a few weeks back is acting up again. i can barely walk because it feels tight and, i dunno, like impacted or something? and if i step wrong or put my weight on it wrong, an immense pain flares up and makes it feel even more tight. i've tried some stretches and some lidocaine cream. i wasn't able to do any walking yesterday. i feel like shit right now. i have a bunch of other stressors and frustrations i'm having to deal with lately, and i really don't fucking need this. i spent like half the afternoon yesterday just in bed doing nothing. i can't find the motivation to do anything, because whatever i try to do, one thing or another is gonna throw a wrench in the works and become one more frustration i have to deal with. i'm getting really sick and fucking tired of all this.

When did you notice the pain? What kind of shoes are you wearing? If you can't walk or run consider swimming or pool running

coolpal23 posted...
Anyway, guys once you hit your weight goals, what's the first thing you plan to do? For me once I hit sub 200 I'm having a whole pizza to myself, because I told myself no more pizza until I hit a large milstone


Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
I shifted my focus away from competitive powerlifting this year to get more serious with boxing. I'm currently weighing 207 lbs, down from 223 in January. All I've had to do was NOT spend so much effort eating to keep that heavy weight up, so far, and I feel like I have my life back by not spending so much time eating.

Eventually I'll come to a point where I need to put more concerted effort in reducing my carbohydrates further, although I never go so low I'm doing keto or even carnivore.

I also get 1 cheat day a week to fill out on carb-supplied glycogen and keep testosterone levels high from the calorie surge. It's always neat that those are the days where my physique looks best.
What made you want to change?

cjsdowg posted...
I have lost around 4 pounds since that last weigh in. That is not my goal to lose that fast. But I have really been sick over the past few days. Yesterday I was so sick that in could not eat. Like I was too worn out to put food in my mouth. I really shouldn't have been on the road that day come to think of it. Anywho the Wii was worried about me too. If I can't eat today I will go to the doctor. I have to fix my turtle tank and I been too worn out to do it. So if not for me for them.

Stay hydrated. Hope it isn't anything too serious