so what's the deal with the girl I like at work, has me wondering

Current Events

So I talk with her a lot at work, we get along great, and she's always engaging during conversations.

One thing I have noticed though is that she never asks me about me. I just realized every conversation we have is strictly about her. It's always about what's going on in her life. I usually have to bring up stuff about myself but she never asks. She never asks how's my day going or if I have anything going on. This is all stuff I ask her and she goes on about it. The only stuff she asks me about is neutral stuff like if I saw a show or a movie.

The weird thing is, to my coworkers, who she really only talks to in passing, she asks them how their day is going or other life stuff. She asks another coworker about their weekend because he mentioned the week before that they were going to a concert.

Is there a reason I don't get this lol