When did you decide your current job/career is what you wanted to do in life?

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Current Events » When did you decide your current job/career is what you wanted to do in life?
Approximately when?

I wanted to join the Air Force when I was a child because that's how you fly cool jets, duh. having pretty awful vision and being ADHD precludes you from the Air Force, least the ADHD stuff used to. Bad vision precludes you from flying and didn't have the money to get my vision corrected.

I didn't even think about the Army until high school. Did well on the ASVAB then sometime later on saw a recruiter at my school and thought "I could be down to do that." so a few years later I did.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
I quit my last job brewing beer after being fed up with holding the entire business on my shoulders.

I got my new job to better provide for my family. It can easily be a retirement job since grocery stores won't be going away unless society collapses.
"I don't question our existence, I just question our modern needs" Pearl Jam - Garden
My theme song - https://youtu.be/-PXIbVNfj3s
Current Events » When did you decide your current job/career is what you wanted to do in life?