Remember Sobe?

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#59 that's cool. I probably did see those at Dollar General but I am so tired most of the time and out of it I question reality. SoBe was never expensive imo. Definitely less than three dollars a bottle. I don't remember maybe like 2.59. Just some random number I am throwing out there. Maybe they were cheaper than that, it was too long ago.

I was looking for my picture of SoBe bottles but I couldn't find it maybe I named it something really unusual. Anyhow I'll take a new picture maybe later but my digital camera is charging right now. I have my mobile phone but w/e it's not that important at the moment. *shrugs* I looked at the copyright dates though and Lizard Ice says 2000 while Grape Grog says 2003. Geezus.I used to have a couple others but I guess I disposed of them,
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show