So I went out with the girl I like, her friends and my coworkers, I'm depressed

Current Events


I'm just gonna give everyone random names.

So I originally invited her (Kate) to come out with me and my coworkers. I didn't actually want her to come, I just wanted to hang with the guys but my coworker Dave said he was going to invite her and her coworkers. She declined but invited me and my coworkers to go out yesterday.

So we're hanging out with everyone and everything is going great. We went out to a bar. Somehow though, deep inside, this has put me at a distance with her. Now that she's more aquatinted with my coworkers, I feel like I'm at a disadvantage since I was really the only one who talked to her from my department at work.

It feels like now it's just to weird to ask her out now. It's like I'm in the casual friend territory now. Feels like if I ask her out for a drink she's just going to respond back asking who's also going and it's going to be awkward for me to say just us.

I would have preferred for things to stay how the were but this was all my doing. I didn't want to but I basically set the precedent now for everyone to hang out and it grosses me out that I am being selfish like that.

I feel sick now. I hated work but lately I enjoyed coming in to work because I would get to see her but now I dread going in to work again.

I should have asked her out a long time ago and I feel like I screwed up. She told me she had a good time with us and would like us to hang out more with her friends. I will go hang out but I feel it's just going to hurt every time. If I ask her out and she's not interested, I feel like I'm pretty much not getting invited out.

I think it might be time for me to pack up my feelings and move on.