Finally catching up on Doom Patrol, it's a great a show but... *spoilers*

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Current Events » Finally catching up on Doom Patrol, it's a great a show but... *spoilers*
I don't know if I'm liking season 3.

I watched the first 2 seasons during the pandemic and was going crazy at the cliffhanger for season 2. But then season 3 starts with a whimper and now this whole sisterhood of dada arc is just... boring .

I actually enjoyed it in season 1 and 2 for being a character study more than a traditional superhero show, especially when they went on crazy adventures like the pink bad idea insects. But now as of season 3 it just feels... meandering. And no Timothy Dalton sucks :(

Especially after losing Alan Tudyk
I still need to finish part 2 of the last season. But man, each season was getting weaker and weaker I felt like. I do think Season 4 was actually better than Season 3, but I could be making that up since I barely remember anything thanks to the stupid mid season break of Season 4.
It was a fun enough show the first couple seasons.
Yeah it starts retreading on too much stuff in season 3. I didn't even bother with season 4.
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-Misattributed to CS Lewis
Squall28 posted...
Yeah it starts retreading on too much stuff in season 3. I didn't even bother with season 4.

That's what it felt like, retreading the same ground of the previous seasons which gets tiresome. You're really not gonna continue with 4 now that all episodes are out though?
saspa posted...
That's what it felt like, retreading the same ground of the previous seasons which gets tiresome. You're really not gonna continue with 4 now that all episodes are out though?

I might when I run out of stuff to watch, but for now, my backlog is too long.
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-Misattributed to CS Lewis
Yeah this month is pretty much the best time for me to go through my own backlog, I finished Barry and decided might as well finish up Doom Patrol after waiting all these years for it to wrap up
i didn't even realise two more season came out. guess i better catch up
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Season 1 was a slog. Season was far too long and too many stand alone episodes. The final episode was fucking nuts.

I do plan to get around to season 2 at some point, but I honestly didn't love season 1 all that much, despite the characters being pretty solid, the plotting was just mediocre.
Current Events » Finally catching up on Doom Patrol, it's a great a show but... *spoilers*