First ever kidney stone and I am mad as hell.

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If it's burning, then it's closer to the end which is great. The incredible pain is typically when it's way back closer to your kidney. It's probably in your actual dick area now. This part is also no picnic, but it's comparatively not so bad. Like youre not going to pass out. You're just gonna really hate pissing for awhile.

If you had gone to a doctor, they would've prescribed you Flomax which widens your pipes a bit and makes this part a million times more comfortable. You're basically scraping up the inside of your dick right now by blasting a sharp stone through it. Expect to have an additional day or two of discomfort in that regard after you pass it. It heals relatively fast, but youre not Wolverine.

If you have stinging for longer than a few days or it doesnt at least start getting better after a single day after passing it, you'll definitely need a doctor though. You can get a UTI which is very bad and can kill you if left untreated.
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.