This video just really speaks to me about Trump

Current Events

The sad part is, despite all the hows, the answer to his question is simple

Trump allows them to be their absolute worst selves, no empathy, no sympathy, no thinking, no logic, reasoning or even self preservation just hatred and anger and being able to make whoever they dislike suffer as much as possible.

What surprises me if he didn't even get to all the OTHER shit Trump is

He says he loves his family, meanwhile he's got a history of assaulting his sons, sexually harassing his daughter and cousins, held his brother's kid's health hostage, only cared about his sister when he could use her death for his campaign, buried one of his ex wives on his property for a tax cut, used the death of his mother in law to try and push yet another delay in one his many criminal trials and only cared about his sister in law when he noticed she said nice things about him and became more attractive to him.

Trump truly represents humanity's absolute worst impulses,instincts and desires
A worthless existence